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Episode 27  -  the truth about Man v vibrator

Speaker A: Welcome to sharing my truth with Mel and Suzie, the uncensored version where we bear it all.

Speaker B: We do 1234.

Speaker A: What? Hello, and welcome back to sharing my Truth Pod. You're here with Susie and Mel, and we're just going to give you a little reminder to review and rate this podcast of five stars because we do have little praise kink, and we just want the best for you and us and this community. And don't forget to follow us also on all of our social medias, which is at sherrymertruthpod. And you can also leave us a DM. Send us a little

Speaker B: Hey, babes. Hello, darling.

Speaker A: How are you?

Speaker B: I'm fine.

Speaker A: Just fine.

Speaker B: Oh, no, I'm good.

Speaker A: You just got your blood taken.

Speaker B: That was pretty scary. I did. Well, it's a blood test. It's not that bad.

Speaker A: I mean, it's like menopausal.

Speaker B: Yeah. It's to find out all my levels of whatever. Whatever? Yeah. It's to make sure I'm well. Yeah. I don't know. Who knows what it'll tell me?

Speaker A: I truly don't know.

Speaker B: It probably won't tell me anything.

Speaker A: It'll tell you you're pregnant.

Speaker B: Don't that's not even funny. That's to a woman in her 50s who's got two children who's staring at freedom.

Speaker A: We're done with this.

Speaker B: You want to ******* freak her out?

Speaker A: Tell her that.

Speaker B: But no, it wasn't very exciting. Yes, I had to have my blood taken, and I don't mind it. And obviously, as a woman who's had children, I have a very high pain tolerance. I can literally take pretty much anything, but I can't look at blood. I can't stand blood, which is actually always a problem with my kids when they were little. I really don't like it. I would have made a terrible surgeon look away.

Speaker A: I don't like blood either, but it's like the taking of the like that's.

Speaker B: Anyway, I just don't want to see it. But then I had a nice ice cream from McDonald's, a little chocolate sundae. I'm a bit keen on the chocolate sauce from McDonald's. Macadees. Macadees is what we call it in England. If you want to sponsor me, just the chocolate sauce. If you want to send it in, I'll be your taste tester.

Speaker A: I'm surprised that their ice cream machine was working. It never works.

Speaker B: That's true. Seems to be fine on St. Clair.

Speaker A: Look at you, getting your little luck machine on my luck machine, yeah, because it's a good luck thing.

Speaker B: That the machine. Well, my kettle broke this week.

Speaker A: I was very upset. So things are looking up, then.

Speaker B: Things are looking up. Chocolate sauce. McDonald's is a dollar. It's great. $1 is $1 for an ice cream. It's absolutely hilarious.

Speaker A: Okay, we got to go.

Speaker B: I don't like anything else at McDonald's.

Speaker A: Just the chocolate sauce?

Speaker B: Just the chocolate sauce. Even the ice cream? Yeah.

Speaker A: You want to send Mel a gift, it's got to be chocolate sauce from McDonald's just in a tub. ****, yeah. I'm excited for it.

Speaker B: Anyway.

Speaker A: **** me. Okay, let's get right into it. Absolutely. Well, we've had a little bit of a chat about this, and we're talking about if women prefer using their vibrators over having sex with men. Like the real deal versus a robotic ****. Pretty much.

Speaker B: A robotic ****.

Speaker A: Yes. A robotic **** or a **** stem later that's also robotic.

Speaker B: Yeah. Well, those little rose things aren't dicks, are they?

Speaker A: No, but they are still robots. They meant to pleasure us.

Speaker B: They are.

Speaker A: And that's why I'm not fearful of robots ruling the world. If it's all of those, why do I ****?

Speaker B: Well, exactly.

Speaker A: I would love that.

Speaker B: That's a very good point. I'm going to say that somebody says.

Speaker A: That to me, but yeah, I don't disagree with these women who are maybe taking that step to figure out if they like the vibrator more than they like the man, and if they're maybe not going on as many dates or if any dates at all, or if they're just staying home with a little sexy little vibrator or doe, though.

Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I did as I told you earlier, I saw a TikTok about this. Yes. As we know, I like my TikToks.

Speaker A: TikTok queen.

Speaker B: TikTok queen. And this woman who was saying how she hasn't had sex with a man for two or three years and she's not bothered, she just doesn't care. Now, I understand if you haven't met a man who's worth having a sex with or B, a relationship with, then really it's a lot of hassle. And maybe you want to just use your little friend as in your little.

Speaker A: Robotic friend little friend.

Speaker B: And I do understand that, but obviously there's the element. It doesn't replace intimacy or companionship or any of those things. So it depends what you're comparing. If you are saying a **** replacement, a **** relationship yes, partner, whatever, no intimacy, no feeling, no nothing. And I'm not talking about love, I'm just talking about connection. Connection. There's a good point.

Speaker A: Very good.

Speaker B: Very sort of medical. Very medical versus just having being at home, having some sushi glass of wine and your friend and watching Bridgetton. Fair enough. I get it. I totally understand.

Speaker A: Are you saying that people are masturbating to bridgerton?

Speaker B: Oh, I think people oh, the first series, definitely. Oh, I know they did.

Speaker A: I just love that for people. People aren't getting enough **** in their lives if they're masturbating to bridgerton.

Speaker B: I mean, it's pretty raw. Well, it was raunchy ish I just saw Queen Charlote. No, not that one. The first one with the really good looking guy. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker A: I haven't watched it since the really good looking guy was there because I just don't like it. I don't know his name. Oh, Renee.

Speaker B: Even though he's very English. And obviously people were a bit of period drama, a bit of sex. I mean, the women love it. And the insinuation of Rumpy Pumpy is going to basically is enough of a cook dead.

Speaker A: I mean, if you're going to use your vibrator, I guess use it on that.

Speaker B: But you don't have to see the it's enough it's enough info to see him with, you know, and he had his head up a skirt and all that sort of thing.

Speaker A: I honestly can't remember.

Speaker B: I'm trying to think of scenes. There were some really sexy, quite raunchy scenes.

Speaker A: I mean, I could understand people master waiting to sex life. Do you remember that one? Do you ever watch that one on Netflix? Sex Life? It was actually filmed in Toronto. Hella, I think I did. And there was a scene with a huge ****. They actually showed a ****, which I'm very impressed about. It's just there's so much sex. And I do love that they are actually putting out the real **** and the real **** and stuff like that.

Speaker B: We're not doing some silly thing while wearing a bra, having sex.

Speaker A: I would ********** to probably the thought of his big ****.

Speaker B: Because it's the thought of his big ****. Yeah. Well, this is the point I'm making. We digress a little bit, as usual, susie yes. Is that if you the option is **** relationship, not great sex. Like not great connection, stroke sex with a man. We're talking men versus a vibrator and a quiet happy life. Yeah, I'd go with the second. Right. But it depends what you're comparing it with. Obviously, if you have a hot hookup guy yeah, hookup. Or you have a good relationship toy boy, then obviously you don't just want your vibrator. You can't talk to your vibrator.

Speaker A: But it does give you orgasms more than men, 100%.

Speaker B: And I think hearing if lie here in this lie, the thing is that so many people still do not understand this. That women and what is the percentage we've said this in past episodes, like much bigger percent is a very small percentage of women who actually are able to orgasm from penetration. You know, it's why people don't understand this.

Speaker A: Well, because men, they do this thing. It's like you're having sex with a guy, it's actually going pretty good. It's not bad, the rhythm is good, you're doing great. And then we say, we're like, oh my God, I'm going to come. And then the guy goes ******* bananas. And he completely stops the rhythm. He stops doing whatever he's doing. And we never come after that.

Speaker B: Do you know what I mean?

Speaker A: It's like they get too excited and they're like, what do I do? And then we have to be like, well, it's not going to happen anymore.

Speaker B: Yeah, give me another 15 minutes and.

Speaker A: Get back to the rhythm. And we'll yes, but with the vibrator.

Speaker B: We'Re completely in control, 100% completely in.

Speaker A: Control of our own orgasm.

Speaker B: And as many as you would as many art desires during the day or during the week.

Speaker A: And you know what your rhythm is, you know when to take a break. You know, when to like, well, yeah.

Speaker B: Can do what you want. You don't have to do what somebody else wants. Yes. And you don't have to go through all the other bullshit. You just get to it. **** the bullshit.

Speaker A: Give me an orgasm.

Speaker B: Exactly. If that's what you're in the market for, then obviously it's very helpful. That's the point. What are we comparing it to?

Speaker A: 100%?

Speaker B: I understand if you don't have a boyfriend or you've had many **** relationships, you've had a lot of bad connections, men, the chemistry, then I get you'd be like, **** this for a lump of cheese. I'm just going to get myself, or whatever, **** it for a lump of cheese. Yeah, absolutely. Excellent English expression. But obviously there is no substitute for human connection. I mean, that's why as human beings, we crave it. We crave touch. I mean, there's all sorts of studies about people who are alone and who are lonely and how loneliness is terrible. It kills people. It's chronic. I mean, we've seen it from the Pandemic, obviously a very extreme version of that, how ******* lonely people were. It's awful. And I never get the chance to be lonely. I'm continuously surrounded with people, so I don't with children, my husband, and people and family.

Speaker A: Well, you're right in the city, too.

Speaker B: And I have people around me all the time.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: But I cannot imagine what that must be like if you you the basic thing. Like, my husband was away this weekend and my kids were away, so I was on my own and I went out with some friends. And then, of course, then the rest of the day I was on my own. And of course, for me that was lovely because I don't normally get that. But even after a while and this is one day, you're like, my God, am I talking to myself?

Speaker A: Right?

Speaker B: I'm talking to myself. And it's weird. The silence is weird. Yeah.

Speaker A: It depends on the person, for sure. Like, as myself, I feel like we're very similar people in this way. We're obviously like, we just need people around us. We need these connections. We just need these people that are like, yeah, we're people people, we're people people. We're people's people. But I know a lot of women who yeah, maybe they like men, but they rather hang out with their dog.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: You know what I mean?

Speaker B: I totally understand it, but I think it is to do with the relationships they've had. I e. They haven't had great connections with men. They haven't had a great relationship. Again, I'm not talking about love. I'm talking about they haven't had this amazing connection with somebody. And if you haven't had that and we can all think about maybe the first time you had sex and when you're very young and people, you think it's going to be this amazing thing, and then you're like, oh, most women, I think their story is like, oh yeah, is that it? Yes. It's normally terrible because probably the other person is very young and they don't know what they're doing and whatever, and then the vast majority of women do not orgasm until later in their life and some women very late in their life. So the whole thing is just ****. So you just think, hang on, we've all been building up this thing. I've got to get my kit off, I've got to worry about, and then it's ****. And you think, what am I bothering for 100%? And not to mention it's ****. I have to date men who let me down, who tell me I'm fat or who tell me I'm this, that and the other, or who ghost me and it's just like, what's the point? I completely get it. Yeah. But if you do meet the person who it is a great connection and you have intimacy. And again, you can have sex without intimacy and intimacy without sex. I mean, intimacy is that connection, that lovely feeling with somebody that is very hard to not want, that everyone wants connection and love of some kind. In your case, maybe, as we've discussed in previous episodes with more than one person.

Speaker A: I just think maybe women should start just dating more women and maybe you're not a lesbian, but go out with your girlfriends and date your friends kind of in the way of enjoy for really good friendship. And then I am under the impression where I'm definitely boy crazy and we all know that I definitely need a man, multiple men around me. But I completely understand why women do not want that or they prefer not to have it all the time. Right. And that their vibrator is better at giving them whatever the **** they need. Because we don't need to rely on men anymore for even intimacy. Because we can get intimacy from other ways that aren't as sexual innately. But yeah, I don't know, I might be with these women.

Speaker B: Let's see.

Speaker A: So we're on a little article here from Metro News. It's a UK paper.

Speaker B: It's like a free paper, but they have lots of sexy stuff in. Yes, because we are well, I think they're slightly perverted in the UK. But that's another discussion that's absolutely what is this article about?

Speaker A: So it's about twelve women explain why they prefer using vibrators instead of having sex with men. Obviously we're talking about with men because men really don't know how to make us come. We're not talking about lesbians who mostly know how to make us come.

Speaker B: Yeah, I just wanted to make that absolutely.

Speaker A: Thank you, Susie, for that happy LGBTQ month. It's almost done. You're almost done being gay and happy. Now you have to be gay and sad. Okay, first woman says, I can do it again and again. I have control over the pace of my orgasm and I can do it again and again without having to wait for a man to recharge. True.

Speaker B: Yes, very true.

Speaker A: So true. Because this doesn't happen to me as much anymore, where I'm like, I just want to keep going. But I remember when I was younger and I was just like, let's ******* go. And you do have to wait for the baby batter to be back up in the balls.

Speaker B: Oh, I see. The bait. The what?

Speaker A: Sorry, I watched Something About Mary last night, and this is a term that they used. Baby batter. The baby batter in the balls. Like the ***** oh, I see.

Speaker B: I'm following you.

Speaker A: The baby batter in the balls.

Speaker B: Right, got it.

Speaker A: So, yeah, you don't have to wait.

Speaker B: For that to happen. I see. Yes. That is a technical engineering issue that you do have to wait.

Speaker A: And also, it's like, since they come so fast, for the most part yes. Faster than us, technically, it's easier. It's just like if they don't make you come right away, you still have to wait for them to recharge. And then you lose your rack chin.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: And then you're ******* out of it. And then you're like, oh, I don't want to do this anymore.

Speaker B: Yeah, you can't be asked.

Speaker A: I have to go ******* do the laundry. I've got to go see my friend at 06:00. Like, let's get on with it.

Speaker B: I would say that happens to a lot of women. Yes. Because women also, when they had and we've discussed this before when many times that men can have sex to relax. Yes. Whereas women need to relax, have sex. So women in their brain. And the older you get, the worse it gets, the more things you have to do. You're like thinking, okay, so I need to pick up sensor at this time. I need to go to this dance recital, I need to wash this, I need to do this, I need to finish that piece of work. All these things are going on in your head all the time. And then, oh, yes. And I've got to deal with this situation right now. I e the sexy bit, and you may not be feeling super sexy, so if you get out of the rhythm yes.

Speaker A: It's hard to get back into it.

Speaker B: Yes, absolutely. Okay.

Speaker A: The next woman says, sometimes I'm impatient. While I don't always prefer vibrator, sometimes I'm impatient and I want a quick orgasm. Sex is great, but there's also a lot of involved. And when you have a partner, sometimes I'm just not in the mood for foreplay. And that's yes. Because totally agree with a man. For myself, especially, even I 100% need the foreplay.

Speaker B: Yes.

Speaker A: You don't need that with a vibrator.

Speaker B: You don't.

Speaker A: And then you also have to the ping pong foreplay. You got to do a 69 er. You got to do all ******* kissing his balls. It's like, sometimes I just want to **** myself.

Speaker B: Just want to say. If anybody just wants to bring it down to the brass tax, just invite Susie round.

Speaker A: I'm going to say what everyone's doing, okay? Everyone's listening.

Speaker B: It's the truth.

Speaker A: And we're sharing the truth today, Mel.

Speaker B: We are. There's no dancing around it today, Susie. But I think she's 100% right, is that sometimes, much like, men want to get on with it? Yes, women women do too.

Speaker A: We don't always want to take an hour. I don't want to ******* take an hour. I want 15 minutes of really good sex.

Speaker B: An hour is a lot.

Speaker A: So much. And that's so much friction on my *****.

Speaker B: Well, yes, it could get very sore.

Speaker A: Very sore.

Speaker B: It's not very nice. And I've got hours. Some of the other things to do.

Speaker A: Oh my God, Mel, you're just preaching to the choir. Okay, next. I can stop when I like with no guilt. So if I can just get off it's a bit difficult to do that during sex without an understanding partner. And it can actually make me come, unlike most partners I've had.

Speaker B: Also a very good point. Yes. Because sex obviously is two or more.

Speaker A: Do you like the way I just I love that.

Speaker B: Two or more people. And it is about not being selfish. It doesn't work if you're selfish in sex. So that is a point that you can be very selfish with a vibrator. And you do literally, you and you don't have to worry about anybody else's feelings or whatever else.

Speaker A: Well, just there's no pressure.

Speaker B: There's no pressure.

Speaker A: Pressure to make them come and make sure that you're also because women are just so taught from such a young age when we first started being sexual that we have to put on a ******* show. And it's exhausting when all we wanted to do is come like a man.

Speaker B: Yes, I think that's you've said it. You've nailed it. Yeah, no, it's absolutely true.

Speaker A: Okay, so men plainly this woman says it plainly men don't make me come.

Speaker B: Okay, fair enough.

Speaker A: Vibrators make me come. Men don't the vibrator works every time. But I'm not guaranteed a climax when I'm with a man. The vibrator works at different frequencies for long periods of time. Obviously, if my man is eating me out, sometimes the pace slows down and I can't blame him. His jaw is probably hurting.

Speaker B: Yes. These are all real issues.

Speaker A: It is interesting to me, like if you asked a man if they prefer giving themselves a hand job, like masturbating, or a woman giving them a blow.

Speaker B: Job, they would pick a woman giving them a blow job 100%.

Speaker A: But isn't that weird? They have it right on hand. We have to use a vibrator. You'd think you'd just be like yeah, I see.

Speaker B: Yes.

Speaker A: It's also, like, very easy for us to get sex whenever we want. We can have any man. Pretty much. I mean, it's not hard for women to get sex to have sex, but.

Speaker B: To have good sex, put your mind to it.

Speaker A: ******* exhausting. Honestly. It can be.

Speaker B: Yeah. Because not very many people are very good at it. Yes. It's really and really the reason for that. But also, I think she's absolutely right that a lot of women do not are not able to orgasm with just a man and no tools. Yeah. But the best combination is obviously the man and the tools. Yes. If you get my drift.

Speaker A: I do get your drift. Excellent. This one's kind of funny. They don't talk.

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker A: They last longer than 4 seconds, and you can get rid of them straight after. Wow.

Speaker B: That almost sounds like what you traditionally would think a man would say. Yeah.

Speaker A: But I mean, a lot of women that we're finding really do think if you want to say it like think like a man.

Speaker B: Yeah. No, I completely agree. Completely agree with that.

Speaker A: And I love that. Get in trouble. Your pleasure. And this woman says, I love being in control of my own pleasure as much as I love the connection of another person. I love being able to control my own pleasure.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: Sometimes I just need to be selfish and get off and go to sleep and don't want to have to worry about my partner's needs. And honestly, I feel the same way because I've talked about this. I'm a night sex person.

Speaker B: Yes.

Speaker A: We've discussed this. And it's sometimes nice to just do it yourself and get the **** on with it and go to bed.

Speaker B: Yeah. This is quick.

Speaker A: Quick and easy. Quick and easy likes nice little midnight snack, if you would.

Speaker B: Right? Yes. Can I put it that way? Yes, you can.

Speaker A: Sex might disappoint. A vibrator will always give you mean orgasm, whereas sex might disappoint, especially with someone new. There's no guarantee that it'll be good. So I'd rather just **********.

Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, I think that's kind of a sad view of life.

Speaker A: That is sad.

Speaker B: I mean, that's a bit depressing.

Speaker A: Like, you can't just be like, it might do this, it might do that. You kind of have to have the experience. But if you're too scared of it being ****, then but I mean, you could do both.

Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, that would be my answer is go and try. And if it doesn't work with that man, okay. Go home and you've got your vibrator. Yeah. Or bring it along with you. Bring it. Don't leave it behind. If you listen to our previous episode, do not leave it behind. It's very bad news.

Speaker A: Do not ******* leave it behind. Promise it's not going to be good. Okay, next one is I don't worry about my safety. This is a really interesting one. It means I actually come and I don't have to worry about my own safety. Tinder guys are mad. Yes. So true.

Speaker B: I mean, I have absolutely no experiences. I'm sure you will be aware of Tinder yet, but it has been my thought when I look at it, or I know lots of young women use it like the complete nutcases there are when you just walk down the street, let alone connecting on an app and getting naked with them. It terrifies me. And there's been some horrific stories where horrible things have happened. Yes. And you can just imagine that of course that happens to me. That's absolutely terrifying. Not that it's any less terrifying that in my generation, it was more like you went to a bar or party and you hooked up with somebody that you didn't necessarily know, that you might be somebody's friend of a friend of a friend, but still could happen. Could be Olympic. It's terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Yeah. I don't know actually how you circumvent that, though. Well, you're never going to meet anybody.

Speaker A: Well, that's also hard because it's like you could also be dating someone for the longest time and they could be either cheating on you, so this is also a part of safety, like, between you. You get an STD or STI from it. Right. So it's like, yeah, you don't have to worry about any of these things when it comes to your vibrator.

Speaker B: That's what all this is, 100%.

Speaker A: But obviously, I'm all about having the experiences. I love a one night stand.

Speaker B: It's exciting.

Speaker A: Yeah, it's exciting. And it's like if you're attracted to them and it's not like you're wasted, it's like you can actually remember it the next day and you're like, oh, that was kind of fun, and that was kind of hot and it was nice meeting them, and whatever. It's not like you're taking it that gets a casual. Right?

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: So, yeah, it can be very fun. Obviously.

Speaker B: Be safe.

Speaker A: Use a condom.

Speaker B: Absolutely.

Speaker A: Definitely use a ******* condom, please. Having it in a one night stands and yeah, obviously trying to like if you want to just go home with someone that night, tell your friends where you're going, put your location on, just be kind of safe about it. And hopefully they're not super creepy, but obviously things happen. But you can't just live your life we just talked about this. You can't live your life with fear of things trying to disappoint you. Things happen like that.

Speaker B: You can't, because if you don't try, nothing's ever going to happen. Exactly. You'll be safe and you'll be okay, but you'll never be happy. And nothing exciting is ever going to happen to you if you take that attitude. My overall feeling about this whole discussion is that obviously because sex toys are so much more kind of in the central narrative, it's just much more accepted today. Every woman's got one. Everyone probably over the age of 18. Every woman over the age of 18. It's much more socially acceptable. They're very easy to buy. It's not weird. Nobody giggles anymore about it. Well, sometimes it's still not in the same way. You don't have to go to some kind of dubious site or buy them in the back of a magazine, sort of Hustler magazine or something in the old days. So it means that we're talking about them, which means, I think more women do use them than they did in the past. So they are realizing, like you're saying that an orgasm is almost like a function of the body. A lot of women talk about, like if they have period cramps and they're talking a lot about it for menopausal. Women like having the relief that that can have. And you know, there's sort of all the saying men used to say or in the past, they'd say, oh, that woman's sexually frustrated, or whatever, she needs to get ******, basically. And the sexual frustration is just not the lack of that release, much like a man. It's just that women can control that release whereas men can't control it in the same way. But now that we have the fact that it's fine to use sex toys means that you can relieve essentially what it is is pressure and then just feel destressed. Yeah, and I think we've understood that a lot. I don't think we're talking about that, but I think women obviously have realized that that this feeling of pressure or anxiety or stress or whatever that they can relieve themselves, relieve it and then feel I feel way better. I mean, it makes sense.

Speaker A: Of course it does.

Speaker B: Yeah, it's not and that you don't need a man to do that.

Speaker A: You never need a man to orgasm.

Speaker B: That's also the thing that or a person. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker A: But mostly men because but it is getting a lot better with women actually taking control of their sexualities and their sexual health and their own orgasm and them like women, if you want to have sex with a man and you want to come, you have to show him what to do. You can't let him take control unless that's what really gets you off. You know what I mean? You have to know what gets you off to come. Because they men are 100% on my readers, especially in the ways of sex because there's already too many things going on for them. They're too excited, there's too much happening. You have to make sure that you're telling them to slow down and you're telling them to kind of maybe move to the left. Do you like to eat girls out? Have these conversations beforehand and find out if you're sexually compatible? Because yeah, obviously if you're tired of having sex with men who are bad.

Speaker B: In bed, maybe it's just we're not.

Speaker A: Talking about enough before we get to the bedroom.

Speaker B: Yeah. And you're with the wrong men. Yeah, absolutely. And if you're with the wrong men, then I completely understand why I'd want a vibrator. But in an ideal world I'm sorry, I'm interrupting you. No, in an ideal. World. You want a great partner who satisfies, you want your collection of vibrators, you.

Speaker A: Don'T want to be no, exactly.

Speaker B: Because I think it is a very negative kind of thing if we're starting to say, oh, of course we don't need men to survive, but men don't need women to survive technically. But if we are together and we're talking about men and women, male and female relationships, it is obviously stronger. It is obviously a better version than being alone. Yeah. Right. So I understand why a lot of women are saying this, but you might be quite lonely.

Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, I think in the long run I don't think this is very hugely sustainable because also, I mean, I'm just talking for myself because I have a ******.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: If you can imagine. But the orgasm that I have with men sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes is a lot more exciting, powerful, strong than a west. Just myself and my vibrator. Of course it is. Yeah. Like you're going to have those amazing orgasms with someone else because it's about.

Speaker B: The connection, somebody's touching you, somebody's you're with them. And I mean, that is the problem, I think, with most people's sex with. My final word on this yes. Is that they have sex and they don't understand that you don't have to be in love with every person you have sex with. No, but you have to connect with them. You kind of have to respect them for at least that time that you're doing it. And if you're not connecting, if you're not kind of together in that want to do this thing well together, then it's not going to work and it's going to suck. Well, yeah.

Speaker A: It's so weird. I feel like obviously being a sexual person, I can feel chemistry when I have it with someone. I don't know if a lot of people sense it the way I do because obviously I just don't know. But there is that kind of a weird sparkly feel when you meet someone you're actually attracted to and want to ****. There is that feeling, but I just don't know if women are feeling that enough or if they're just like you're saying, meeting the wrong men and not feeling it when they're going on dates.

Speaker B: They'Re not meeting the right men. Yeah, for sure. Because I think life is becoming incredibly insular. In the sense that if you think about it, you get up every day, maybe you go to the gym, you work really hard, you're tired, maybe you go to a couple of social events a week and the older you get, the less that gets, the more people are coupling off in whatever or whatever is going on in their partnerships. They're getting busy with that and they have children and so on. So you're getting more and more spending time alone and it's harder and harder to meet people. And that's obviously why the prevalence of things like Tinder and all these various other apps, bumble and whatever the hell.

Speaker A: They are off whatever they're called.

Speaker B: This other one, I was hinge. Hinge. And feet. Anyway, whatever it is, it's for like kink stuff, like for hookups feet beat. Somebody tell me. Anyway, as you can tell, I use it all the time. If you have to use that to connect or meet people, it's hard. It's hard to meet people. It's hard to meet the right kind of people. And I think it does get harder and harder and you have to put yourself outside your comfort zone and so on and so forth, so quiveringly. It's a lot easier to just not do that.

Speaker A: Yeah, but ladies, you can't don't give up on if you want that connection. And you know you do. I know some women don't. That's totally fine. If you do want that connection, you have to put yourself out there. And I think I love that you said that, Mel. Like, you do have to put yourself out there and let you feel scary feelings and let men make mistakes. And sometimes you do have to ******* teach them what they're doing down there. But maybe you find a man who wants to learn and who wants to give you pleasure.

Speaker B: 100%. And I would also say, remember that you're not going to meet if you sort of decide, right, I'm going to start dating, or whatever it is, you're not going to necessarily meet that person on the first date. No. Kind of try and chill out about it and think that I might go through a few people, but that's okay. And if they don't work or one person was this and one, but that's fine. Don't be a nutter about it. Like, don't get so wound up. Just move on to the next. Yeah, it's research. It's research, as the Brits say, right?

Speaker A: I love that.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: So go out there, ladies, and do some research.

Speaker B: Exactly.

Speaker A: It should be fun. Research.

Speaker B: Do some research. Do some research.

Speaker A: I mean, some discovery.

Speaker B: Isn't that the way to look at it? Yes, it is. It takes a bit of research and find the right.

Speaker A: And then when you go on these scary date stories, we want to hear them. So when you go on these Tinder dates or wherever you're meeting your men, and then you come back and then you write us a ******* letter of how it went.

Speaker B: Yeah. And please, if you are in any situation where you think it's not going well, move away. Get away straight away. You feel any vibe this person is in any sense off, creepy, whatever, get yourself out of that situation straight away.

Speaker A: And you can DM us and we will do whatever you say.

Speaker B: Just remember that as a woman, your intuition is very, very good. It is. Your gut feeling is very, very good. Get out of the situation, momma. Mel yeah, I'm telling you, Moml, just I have done that. I told you one day I crawled out the toilet window.

Speaker A: Yeah, you did. Sometimes you got to do that, ladies. Crawl out that toilet window for the hills and get yourself a vibrator.

Speaker B: If they're a creep, just this and this. I really is my last thing. If they're a creep, they're always a creep then. There you go.

Speaker A: That's so ******* true, Mel.

Speaker B: They're not going to suddenly become nice. Get out.

Speaker A: Full of wisdom. Get out that toilet window. All right, darling. Well, this has been a lovely little day with you. I'm so happy we did this.

Speaker B: It has it's informative.

Speaker A: It's extremely informative in the research. And we'll obviously put this little article in our blog for this week. And we love you so much, guys, and thank you so much for listening.

Speaker B: Thank you very much for listening. Until next time.

Speaker A: Until next time. We'll shall see you soon.

Speaker B: We will.

Speaker A: Sharing My Truth Pod is so excited to partner with, where the A in Vibrator is the number eight. This is an extremely exclusive code where no other podcast has it. If you go to right now, use the code Ms 15. That's ms 15. At, you can now get 15% off anything in store that's any sex toys for you, your partner, your neighbor, your mom. We don't judge.

Speaker B: Get it?

Speaker A: Now go to the link in our bio, put in the code and get jiggy with it.

Speaker B: Thanks so much for listening. Please rate and review this podcast and follow us on social at sharingmytruthpod and leave us a voicemail on our to share your stories and experiences with us. We'll see you next time.

Speaker A: Bye bye. Three, two, one. Yeah.

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Episode 27  -  the truth about Man v vibratorMelany Krangle & Suzie Sheckter
00:00 / 01:04
Sharing My Truth 

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