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Episode 34  -  the truth About Sex Education on Social

Speaker A: Welcome to sharing my truth with Mel and Suzie. The uncensored version where we bear it all.

Speaker B: We do 1234.

Speaker A: Hello, babes. Oh, hello, everyone. Welcome back to sharing my truth pod. It's Susie and Mel, and we just want to give you a little quick reminder to rate this podcast in the five stars and leave us a cute little review if you'd like, because we love you and you love us, we love to hear from you. And don't forget to follow all of our little socials at Sharing My Truthpod. Hey, babes, how are you?

Speaker B: How are you doing? I'm fine. Just fine. Very well, very well. It's a bit hot, but other than that, I'm fine.

Speaker A: Oh, we're getting through it though, aren't we?

Speaker B: Well, we complain when it's cold in Canada, so let's just complain when it's hot too.

Speaker A: I mean, honestly, I'm a big fan of the SWAST. We've talked about this.

Speaker B: The SWAST, which I've only just discovered what that means.

Speaker A: Yes, sweaty ***.

Speaker B: Sweaty ***. Sweaty ***. Never going to say I say ***. Sweaty. We don't say ***. We say *** is like a donkey ***. Your ***. Your *** whole anyway.

Speaker A: Your *** hole. Very nice. It's very posh way to say yes.

Speaker B: I suppose it but so we're learning new things. Susie already learning new things.

Speaker A: Good thing Instagram is also censoring my little *******, if you know what I ******* mean.

Speaker B: Yes, well, I mean, this has been going on for a while, hasn't it, that social media. Yeah, all the social media platforms sort of have this kind of thing about sexual content and they just put everything into the same bucket. Basically, if you're talking about sex, if it's sex education or you're showing sometimes a bit of skin, apparently it's all **** to them, I think.

Speaker A: But it's also just like women just women showing skin, women talking about sexual pleasure, women doing all these ******* things. And they think that they can just be like, oh, yeah, sorry, this is actually extremely sexual and we want to gatekeep your sexuality and anything to do with a ********.

Speaker B: 100%. I remember we had a post on TikTok, if you remember, a little while ago. And we were obviously fully clothed and we mentioned the word sex. And in the captions we changed it, like most people do in TikTok, but most people say sex, but then they put segs or letter or put the number. Sorry. Right. And our video got taken down. And literally within a few minutes, I was scrolling and looking around, and I saw this video of this man in a video who was pretending like he didn't actually have his *****, but he just put a salami on the screen, like a big, thick salami thing, and he was otherwise.

Speaker A: One more time.

Speaker B: And they didn't take that down. I'm like, you are ******** me. It was a much bigger account. And I mean, I've had this before. I've said to you. I was on Reddit once, and I was doing some ads for some business stuff, and I was just checking what the rules are. And while I was reading the rules, which is whatever it says about sexual content, I don't want to exactly repeat the wording without reading it out. And then while I'm looking at it, if you're sort of talking about sex or have sexual content, you can't be sexually suggestive or so whatever the words are, while I was reading it, an ad in Reddit for the Lilo vibrators popped up.

Speaker A: I was just like, what the ****? Because they're huge vibrators.

Speaker B: Yeah, because they're a huge company. And absolutely of course they should be advertising. I've got no issue with that. But it should be the same for everybody. And if you're advertising, like any kind of sex toy product, google makes companies kind of contact them. You have to go through this whole process and it's know smaller companies that's a big problem for but I mean, there's no discerning between stuff. It's just mean. Obviously it's an algorithm when we live in this world of algorithms, don't we? But you can't say anything.

Speaker A: It's absolutely ridiculous. It's like so many of my favorite Instagram people, like JVN, who's on Queer Eye, and he's my absolute favorite, and he'll say these affirmations of being a hot ****. And I swear to God, if I were to do this on Instagram or any other random person or just to even say the word **** or **** or *******, I don't know even the word yeah. And I would be like, okay, if this is just in Southern America, you know what? You guys ******* do your thing. But I find that we are much more a free country in Canada to be able to say things. Maybe that's just a ******* illusion, though.

Speaker B: It is a bit of an think. I think what's weird, and I'm just looking at Instagram now, is that sometimes you can apparently say the word sex, but you can't say sometimes if you say dating in the context of suggesting that you're a company that is online dating, whatever is an app or whatever, then they can read into it. Do you know what I mean? Like often the content that you can put out when you're just talking about something, the algorithm can sort of read into the fact that you're a company that actually is doing that. And what I mean by that is, let's say you're talking about dating, and they might then say, oh, no, you're trying to advertise online dating, and that's not allowed. Or you're a sex educator, and therefore you have to show bits of the body. Therefore you're showing bits of the body even though it's the context of education. Therefore you must be a **** company so they have no way of deciphering what something is. And you see some horrendous things on social media, and obviously with two kids. It's something that one's really I'm really acutely aware of. And people have been talking about this for years, and there's all sorts of damaging stuff, yet they're worried about you saying masturbation.

Speaker A: No, seriously.

Speaker B: Which is what everyone is doing, trying to do, talk about. I mean, it's just completely.

Speaker A: It literally doesn't make sense to me. The fact that you're going to take obviously they are the biggest, one of the biggest platforms in modern society of just trying to find information about and everyone's just trying to look for sex. Like, everyone is watching ****. It's a proven fact that **** is the number one thing people are looking at. And yet you want to take the literal education part and hide that so that people go into the darkest corners of the internet and find something that is completely irrelevant to what they actually should be looking at. It's just so obnoxious.

Speaker B: Well, it is. I mean, it's adding a level of shame to something that we've been fighting very hard to get rid of. The level of shame and that nobody is saying, put free **** on the social media platforms for children to see, for goodness sake. Most of anybody who know, even people who know advertising their things, like OnlyFans accounts and stuff like that, they're taking you from Instagram to another platform where it's okay to watch, that they're not doing it on Instagram. But then that's weird, isn't it? I mean, the amount of yourself included bikini clad women that are on Instagram, that that sometimes seems to be fine and sometimes it's not.

Speaker A: Here's the thing. It's like children shouldn't even be on Instagram. What are we worried about? We're worried about adults speaking to each other about adult matters. That's the thing. It's like, why are we even worried about the children seeing this on? Like the parents should have more control if that's what they're really ******* worried about. It's not my fault if your child is going to learn about healthy masturbation over Instagram.

Speaker B: Yeah. The reason I think is definitely cynical that they're trying to make money out of something. I think that the problem is because there aren't human beings or a lot of it is an algorithm. It can't spot the difference between what is completely normal, healthy, natural, and potentially, perhaps what shouldn't be on the platform. Right. And it gets so confused between the two things. But if we are saying that you can't say I mean, if you actually search in TikTok for the word sex, I-E-S-E-X you cannot find it. If you type in the word S-E-G-G-S or S three X or S eight X. Right. You can find sex everywhere on TikTok, which is like you're saying if you make people do that, you drive it into a dark corner.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: It's absolutely ridiculous. And if you don't have a total blanket, okay, if you don't want people talking about sex toys. No sex toys or anybody. You can't say some companies can sort of somehow do it because they figured out how to do it by getting around the algorithm. Right. And other people can't or people who show sex toys in there just like organic feed. It's not an ad, then that's okay. And sometimes I've seen people, especially on Instagram, doing ads for sex toys, and they just put ad, hashtag ad or whatever in the caption and it doesn't get taken down. But it is actually an ad.

Speaker A: Yeah. Here's what's ******* annoying. It's like kids because a lot of kids are on TikTok, I don't think is it plus 18 to be on TikTok? I can't even remember. But there's a lot of kids on TikTok, and I swear to God, we are going to have a generation of people who don't actually know how to spell sex and other things that we have to keep hiding because they're watching and looking at TikTok so much that they think that these words like S-E-G-G-S in the way of sex because it's the only way we can spell it out on social media. That's how they're actually going to think these things are spelled. And it's going to be stupid consequences like this that are going to really just I don't know. It really bothers me. It's the fact that we can't even say the word. How sensitive have we become?

Speaker B: Well, it says here 13 is the minimum age according to TikTok's terms and conditions. I don't know if that's correct. I've just googled it. But you're absolutely right. If TikTok does not allow talking about sex, then it should be not talking about, like, you know, there's this one guy who's absolutely hilarious on TikTok who talks about relationships and sex and stuff, and he talks instead of saying ******, he says taco. And instead of saying whatever, he says, right? And it's just like, really, is this what the world?

Speaker A: But here's the thing. People are always going to find a way around it, right?

Speaker B: Right.

Speaker A: Even if we're like, well, if it's one, then it's everyone. And that's what they're trying to do. No one's allowed to ******* do it, but everyone's always going to try to get around it. So we might as well just let people say what they ******* want to say if it's not hurting anybody. That's what I don't understand. It's not like we're trying to put literal *********** out there for people 13 and up. It's like, no, we're literally just trying to educate and say the word ********.

Speaker B: Talk about normal and ****, use normal words. I think obviously, I don't know enough about it is that it's so difficult to find the line between allowing people to sort of talk about sex to actually putting stuff that's, let's say, to use a legal word, obscene. Right? So I guess the platforms find that very hard to differentiate. And of course, in lots of countries, they can't talk about this stuff anyway. I don't know how they do that and stop people that being viewed in other countries. But the problem is that when we're talking about words that are completely normal and they're words in the Oxford Dictionary, they're not weird slang terms or they're actually about terms, bodily functions or things that exist. So whether we're talking about masturbation or sex or the full word *********** or erotica or any of these words, they are words. And if you can't actually use those words, and then you have to use all these kind of crazy other words. Where are we going with this? The other thing is that we keep talking about this. We've talked about this a lot, that we live in a world now where particularly things like talking about sex amongst your peers, or using sex toys or buying sex toys or any of those things, or women understanding their bodies a bit better and understanding that orgasms are kind of a function of their body as well. Not just that they kind of need it, it helps distress them and all this kind of stuff, that we are a little bit more aware of all this stuff, yet we can sort of talk about it, but shush, shush, hush, hush. You sort of can't talk about it, seems to me, or I think it seems to a lot of women. And somebody needs to tell us if this is not the case, that anything to do with women seems to get banned first. Yes, it does. That doesn't make any sense at all, does it? No, it doesn't. But I mean, I think the answer is, yeah, you can't say anything. You can't say ****, sex, **********, bollocks.

Speaker A: Do you think you can say bollocks?

Speaker B: You can probably say bollocks because if the algorithm is American, they won't know what we're talking about.

Speaker A: That's true.

Speaker B: Maybe that's the answer, that we'll just don't use all the British words.

Speaker A: But here's the thing. Is this not the case in the UK?

Speaker B: Yeah, of course it is. I'm joking.

Speaker A: I don't know what it should be. Shouldn't it be country specific? Like, the UK is so open to sex, as we've talked about, right? And now it's just no one's allowed to have their **** out. Come on.

Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, probably, you know, UK, Australia, Canada, the United States. I would assume the TikTok Instagram rules. Obviously there'll be country rules, but it's sort of similar and what you can say and do and stuff, and the attitudes, the kind of prevailing attitudes, whatever anybody, especially in Canada and the US. UK wants to say about the US. The prevailing attitude, the modern attitude is similar. I mean, there are people who have old fashioned attitudes in all of these countries, including Canada. But I don't know, I think the other thing that's very confusing, and it would be really helpful if meta could clarify this is you can say certain things on Instagram, but if you share them to Facebook, then that's not okay. And you're like, how does that company.

Speaker A: It'S the same company, and the user age is even higher on Facebook. Why wouldn't you be able to and I thought Facebook, for some reason, it used to be like this facebook, you had to be 18 to use it.

Speaker B: Maybe that's not I mean, probably you probably sign click something. There's absolutely no way they can but.

Speaker A: Just the fact that they want adults to be on there. And so the fact that you can't even say adult subject matter and we're not talking about ****, we're talking literally just about vibrators. It's just pleasure and education.

Speaker B: Yeah, well, that's the thing I don't understand is what is the problem with the words you're saying? You just typed in the word not even visual doing it on Instagram. That's what doesn't make any sense, is that there are other platforms where people can go and you can talk more openly and you can send people to those platforms, and those platforms allow it, and that's fine. If it's talking about more adult content, then obviously people will go to things like OnlyFans and stuff like that, and that platform allows it. But you're talking about the words not showing anything. But then how hypocritical it is that you stand there in your bikini, which clearly is being clothed, but still but you can't say the word **********. Yeah, unless were you wearing a bikini while you were saying the word **********?

Speaker A: You know what, I actually was, but they told me no, but this isn't the problem. I told you I've never been in trouble for wearing a bikini on any social media. But the problem has always been with the words or the speaking. It's never been with what I've been wearing, which is wild, because what I'm wearing is for the male gaze, obviously.

Speaker B: Yeah, but not me personally, but professionally. I'm in digital marketing and I've done work within the gym clothes and sports bras and stuff like that. And I remember a couple of years ago, I was running some ads for sports bras and this model was wearing leggings and a sports bra, and the ad was banned. What? Because the middle section, obviously between under her ***** and top of the leggings was showing. And you're like, hang on a second, I was on Instagram 25 seconds ago and I saw a lot of bikinis and *****.

Speaker A: So many ****. This is ridiculous on Instagram.

Speaker B: That's also my problem with it is it seems to be a bit like, oh, all of a sudden today the algorithm has woken up and seen yours and decided to come down on you. And I know that it also could be like and I've seen there's a story actually on TikTok, and I don't know what this woman sells on her account or whatever, but this woman in England who had this big account. She was selling stuff, and I don't think it was sex, but somebody reported her for whatever the post was, and her account, which was her main way of selling her products, got banned because obviously there's nobody to talk to. And then you're like, Why are you going out of your way to report a post about where somebody may have used the word sex? It's like our post on TikTok. That the reason it was taken down by TikTok. It was reported by somebody when we were both fully clothed and we just said the word sex, and somebody thought that wasn't appropriate. And you're like, seriously? You thought us, us versus the Bajillion. Other accounts and people are malicious. So, I mean, that is part of it, that there's people reporting stuff just for ***** and giggles. And like you said, when you typed the word in **********, it said, do you want to do this? Because other accounts have been flagged or whatever.

Speaker A: And it's never happened to me before because I used to put a lot of social media sex, positive social media, educational stuff on Instagram, and I've happily said ********** or typed it out. And for this one specifically, I was like and it was on our also it was on our sharing, right, with Pod Instagram. It wasn't even on my personal so who knows if it was because it was on the Pod Instagram. And I was like, make sure you ********** today. And they were like, oh, are you sure you wanted to spell this out? Because other posts like this have been reported, so you sure you want me wonder?

Speaker B: I haven't actually noticed that on Instagram, whether they're have you noticed that since then? Like, if you've written the word sex if it comes up or anything?

Speaker A: No, I haven't even tried.

Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know. And I haven't actually posted anything that's used those words recently. But the strange thing, like on the Pod here, we're talking we can talk quite openly, and we can talk very openly on the Pod. And there's a lot of other podcasts like ourselves that talk about female issues, and they can talk about masturbating or sex or the menopause or periods or whatever it is, and they can even put that in their show notes. So you as a listener can see that. But then when we want to let you know that there's a new episode, obviously the main channels to let people know other than email and still emailing your email list, I mean, your listeners who've signed up to your email list. The main way people podcast, podcasters tell their audience, the way we're telling you our listeners is via social media. But then when we tell you via social media, and I'm sure you're all aware of this, we have to filter it. We have to go, okay, well, can we say that? Can we write that and it gets extremely confusing because there isn't a blanket rule. Because I think what we do, like a lot of podcasts will do, is you'll go and look of other podcasts in your genre and see what they're doing and they're happily doing it, but they're probably a bigger account. And then you do it and then you get busted. So that's the biggest my beef with it is that have the rule, but it's for everyone.

Speaker A: Well, here's the thing.

Speaker B: Don't have the so or don't have.

Speaker A: The I'm on I'm on Wired, the magazine, and it's from the UK and it just says Instagram is removing sex positive accounts without warning.

Speaker B: So they're not even giving you a.

Speaker A: Pop up, being like, hey, by the way, we're going to remove this account. This is why they're not even doing that anymore. It just says, platform has suddenly suspended dozens of high profile accounts, cutting people off from their communities that keep them safe. And this was like six days ago. This was published. Yeah, it's been bad. But this is like a new thing that Instagram is for some reason just going apeshit on sex education platforms for. No, truly, do you know how many sex bots there are? Not even soliciting real sex, but just trying to scam you into something and they haven't done anything about those. There's so many bots on Instagram, like, where are their priorities?

Speaker B: But I wonder if also if you put a post and you put text, let's say you've created a post on Canva or you're reposting a quote or whatever it is and the words are in there as opposed to you having typed them in. That, I guess, doesn't seem to get flagged. The answer is, unfortunately for people like us, who all we're actually trying to do is educate, that sounds a bit obnoxious. We're trying to openly talk about stuff, sex related subjects and actually anything to do with life. It just obviously sex is a huge part of life. And I said before, we're either thinking about it, doing it or trying to do it. And most people are trying to do that in a consensual, adult, healthy manner. Whatever they're doing in their private life is consensual and legal. Obviously there are people who are not doing that and we're not talking about that. We're talking about what is consensual and legal and healthy and we're also talking about it from our two generations perspective, which is interesting because you come from a generation that's much more sex positive or grew up with much more sex positivity than my generation. Yet if you start doing this in these platforms, which is the main way that particularly Millennials and Gen Z speak, then what are we saying? Yeah, I don't understand what we're saying, but what if we're saying, yeah, it's.

Speaker A: Kind of dangerous, but it's super dangerous because it's just making everyone just push harder into weirder places that they go, have to go look now, if they can't look on the regular platforms 100%.

Speaker B: I mean, I think that a lot of the sort of mainstream platforms, particularly, obviously Meta being in the US, that they're worried about any issues to do with children. So what they're doing is they're just lumping the whole thing into the same bracket. So just saying, blanket, no, we don't want it in case somebody sees it. And like you're, they I could be wrong, but I think most of these forms did come out and say, if this is about sex education, which is obviously very important, then we're not going to do anything. But they've actually done the complete reverse, haven't they? They started banning yeah.

Speaker A: What about sex emojis, though? Are they banning eggplants and peaches? What are they doing there?

Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I think that's very much like the word se G-G-S right? It isn't actually the word. It is actually an obajin. It is actually a peach. It is sorry, eggplant. It is actually raindrops. The fact that we all know it doesn't mean that nobody in their right mind is going to send a text, raindrops a peach and may and think it means, oh, let's have peaches and obergines for dinner under the rain. Right. So everyone knows what it means, but it doesn't actually mean that, if you know what I mean. So I guess people can get away with it. I don't know. I mean, where are we going with this? I think, like so many other things in our society, we're so very confused about so many different things and it's not helpful, it's not helping. Is it me? It makes me very annoyed because as a digital marketeer, I think it's very annoying that the people who basically suffer are the people, the smaller accounts, the smaller companies. If you're a big company and you are able to literally get in touch with Meta, then you can pretty much seems to be able to do what you want.

Speaker A: Of course we care what you're saying.

Speaker B: Yeah, then you're smaller, you get busted. It's just bizarre. I don't understand why is it that a platform which is meant for adults, perhaps not TikTok, perhaps Instagram and Facebook, that you would have a problem with sex toys and sex toys are not the same as drugs and know and mean. Maybe it's just too fine a mean. I guess it's got to be to do with.

Speaker A: There are gun advocates or whatever the **** you want to call them on Instagram. I see them all the time shooting not shooting people, but shooting things. And that's like a vibrator. It's just being a vibe, but just vibing out. It's not going in someone yeah, probably.

Speaker B: Because they're not advertising and because it's not text, they're not getting I mean, it just seems like how possible.

Speaker A: Well, that's right.

Speaker B: But I honestly do think this is going to get worse to me. It's also censorship. It goes to anything if you want people to speak about whether you agree with them or not, we let in democracy. So why are you censoring people? But apparently we are censoring them and I don't know what to say. I just find it that it's also unfortunate that it's having a much bigger impact on females than it is on males because I know I saw some statistics somewhere about accounts talking about and sex positivity and for the most part they're probably talking from the female point of view and also like accounts talking about menopausal things. Or I remember a bunch of products specifically I can't remember the products exactly, but for female menopausal products and they were banning them and they were banning those ads because obviously it was about the menopause and they were talking about sex or whatever they were talking about or obviously talking about female sexual reproduction. But when there were ads for male ****** virility issues, nutraceutical product, blah blah, they weren't getting banned.

Speaker A: Yeah, obviously you said that. Obviously it's hurting women, which it is. It is hurting women in a huge way. And our sexual pleasure is something not to be ashamed about, but it's also hurting younger kids. I'm not talking about like children, but people, kids that are interested in sex, that are obviously interested in sex because it's just a human right that we have. We have a sexual body, we have a sexual mind. That's just what happens. And it is hurting younger people because they can't find what they're actually looking for in a regular way and it just makes them look to pornhub. Which probably not the best education place.

Speaker B: No, absolutely not. I mean, I'd say that's 100% correct that we live in a world where still a lot of young people and as I've mentioned many times, I have two teenagers, I happen to be very open about sex. I don't find it difficult to talk about it. My kids know they can talk to me or whatever, but a lot of young people do not have that relationship with their parents. No find it difficult. And even today they find it difficult to have the sort of birds and the bees discussion. And then that means that those children turn to things like pornhub. So why on earth the sexual education in schools is really a most of the time you're far too young to really understand what they're talking about and.

Speaker A: They'Re doing it in a bad way. It's not good at all, actually.

Speaker B: I don't know, continuous thing. I mean, from my memory, my kids had it when they were very young and then that was it. And you're like, they're like nine. You can start talking about things, but this kind of has to be a progressive thing. Right?

Speaker A: Well, they're still showing the videos from like the 80s.

Speaker B: Yeah, I don't know what they're showing now, but it's not helpful, let's put it that way. And I understand it's very difficult. It's very difficult. And there are cultural issues and there are all sorts of issues in teaching these things in schools. But the point is that if your family isn't going to talk to you, so therefore you have to go and find your information somewhere else. And you can't have a conversation with your mother or your father or even an older sibling or a cousin or an aunt or something like that. If you don't have anywhere to turn, then you're going to turn to the Internet. And if you shut down places which the material is educational, it's just speaking the truth. It is not in any way obscene, then they will have no choice but to turn to things like pornhub. And I'm not knocking pornhub, but if that is your only source of education as a young woman or a young man or a young just a young person, young teenager, we're in trouble.

Speaker A: Well, here's the story about me, okay? Because I remember my sex education, and I remember it started when I was, like, ten years old. I think that's regular or like nine years old, whatever it was. And obviously we had it until we were, like, end of junior high. I don't think it even continues into high school, like you're saying. But I swear to God, I swear to God, Mel, I didn't learn about the ******** in my sex education classes. And that was like, for, let's say, like, five years of sex education in school. And I do not remember learning about the ******** because I remember that was something that I learned on my own. I didn't even realize it existed.

Speaker B: Oh, 100%.

Speaker A: And I doubt the **** that it's like that they're talking about it now. There's no ******* way.

Speaker B: No. And it's also very difficult for them to talk about. I mean, it's shrouded in so many issues. I mean, look, at the end of.

Speaker A: The day, it's just anatomy, though.

Speaker B: It is anatomy. But if we can't figure this out on a platform, a social media platform that has an age limit, how on earth are they going to figure it out in schools? And it's not helpful. It is not helpful. And we continue giving children all these mixed messages, not the right understanding. And then, like you said, what they do is they just find out themselves. And I think personally, if I think about kids today, they are sexually active a lot younger.

Speaker A: A lot. Yeah.

Speaker B: And it's not just that they're very young. They're 1314, perhaps even younger. They've had a lot of partners by the time they're 18, like, a lot. And I'm not in any way critical of that, but it is a way of finding out, right. And the information it's very hard to find information and actual education if you keep cutting off every route to that. And the only route that you have is ****, which, again, I don't understand why people don't understand that **** is entertainment. You go to the movies, you're being entertained. ****, it's not gross, it's not whatever. It's just entertainment. Well, it's not education. No payment. No.

Speaker A: And this is a little bit on the darker side. I don't want to get dark here, but if we don't teach kids what feels okay sexually, then they're going to have really bad sexual experiences and they're not going to know it until later because they don't ******* know what is happening. Of course, how they get taken advantage of, of course, by older people that are.

Speaker B: 100%. But I think that is the woman's story in a nutshell. There isn't enough information. Like, I think it doesn't matter whether it's about sex, whether it's about having a family, whether it's about can you manage a family and a job and a marriage and any of these things that we seem to be completely incapable of talking about. We have to get there, find out, and go, oh, right, this is quite hard, and it doesn't seem to matter what it is, that we can't have some kind of open, honest discussions. And I find that very troubling. And like I said, if we are banning words that are in the dictionary, we're not banning images, we're banning the words. And they are describing something that is a thing. And we're not talking about gratuitous or obscene or horrendous things. We're talking about sex education, something that is crucial to life. Right? None of us would be here. Everyone, somebody hadn't done the act. That's right. What is going on? I mean, the world as we know is going stark raving mad in every single area of everything that happens. I mean, everything is just mad, isn't it? It really ******* is another level of madness. It's so irritating. And I would say to people, like, for example, myself, as a marketeer, is I start to try and use platforms where I know I can contact somebody. I mean, that's the most irritating thing about using things like TikTok or Instagram, facebook, even Twitter, is who exactly do you contact? You just get banned. That's it. You just get shut down. That's and especially with something like TikTok and Instagram where they're continuously incentivizing you to post, to advertise and so on and so forth, and then they slam you. I mean, I've been in many situations where I've run an ad and no, I've posted something and they didn't like it because it said the word dating. And I wasn't advertising dating or like I said, where it showed as far as Instagram was concerned, too much flesh or whatever. They take your ad down, or they take your post down. Sorry. And then literally 20 seconds later, a thing pops out. Would you like to advertise? Would you like to do this? Would you like hang on, you've just told me I can't post that. What is going on? But it just shows you, there is no common sense here. There are no people involved. There are algorithms, and the algorithms are not humans, and they cannot differentiate. And I guess the other problem, my kind of final word on it, is that there is such an enormous volume of stuff on social media, or obviously the Internet in general. How do they I mean, they'd have to have armies and armies and armies of people, and we know that Elon Musk fired half of them didn't. And they need to have all these algorithms, and the algorithms just don't know. You know what it's like when you go onto Instagram, and let's say you watch one video of a cat, and then all you see for the rest of your life are ******* cats, and you're like, I just watched that cat because I was bored. I don't really care. I don't want to see any more cats. But then you just see cats. Yeah, I just want to see some *****.

Speaker A: I don't want to see cats anymore.

Speaker B: Well, there you go. Well, that will definitely never happen. But I don't know, Mel.

Speaker A: I think we just need to start our own social media platform. This is the solution to this.

Speaker B: Definitely. It's definitely the solution. That's the solution. It's the only solution. The only solution is to have places where you can talk openly, freely, truthfully. We're not saying anything that's wrong, like if you're using words like sex, for God's sake. Right?

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: But yeah, I think that is the only answer. But I would say anybody. Again, like, we always encourage you to share your stories. Please let us know if you've had issues. Where either you are a sex educator, a sex expert, a psychotherapist, whatever it is, or just somebody who is posting, or you sell intimate items or sex toys or whatever it is. And if you've had issues and you've had lots of trouble posting advertising, et cetera, we'd love to hear about it, because absolutely, it's a huge problem. Yeah. I don't know what the answer is. I really don't.

Speaker A: There's no answer. We just have to ******* keep on rolling on, trying to show the puss, trying to show the ****, and we'll see what happens.

Speaker B: The puss and the ****. Hopefully we don't get SIS. Well, fortunately, Apple will not they'll be all right with it, but I don't know. Yeah, it's very annoying and yeah, you just have to keep going and keep finding ways to talk about the thing that you're talking about in a roundabout way. Right?

Speaker A: That's right. And you guys can talk to us, know, talk to us about your sexual encounters. We're not going to ban you, okay. We're not TikTok. We're not instagram.

Speaker B: Exactly. We're not going to ban you for anything that you share, and we're going to figure out a way so that you can share it somewhere else so we don't have to do it on Instagram.

Speaker A: But anyway, we can speak, we digress.

Speaker B: Yes. Anyway, there you go. That's my rant of the day.

Speaker A: I love Mel's rant of the day.

Speaker B: Yeah, I feel better now.

Speaker A: Really happening to us in real ******* time. It's insanity. But thank you guys so much for listening and we love you guys so much. We just want to give you a little reminder to rate and review this podcast. Five stars. Tell us what you think of it because we love you and we want to hear from you. And you can always talk to or at sharingmytruthpod on any of our social medias. Mel, my darling.

Speaker B: Yes. Until we meet again. Until we meet again, my love. And we love you all. And well, we'll be with you again soon. Talking about chat soon.

Speaker A: Bye. Sharing my Truth pod is so excited to partner with, where the A in Vibrator is the number eight. This is an extremely exclusive code where no other podcast has it. If you go to right now, use the code Ms 15. That's ms 15. At, you can now get 15% off anything in store that's any sex toys for you, your partner, your neighbor, your mom. We don't judge, we don't care.

Speaker B: Get it?

Speaker A: Now go to the link in our bio, put in the code and get jiggy with it.

Speaker B: Thanks so much for listening. Please rate and review this podcast and follow us on social at sharingmytruthpod and leave us a voicemail on our to share your stories and experiences with us. We'll see you next time.

Speaker A: Bye bye.

Speaker B: Three, two, one.

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Episode 34  -  the truth About Sex Education on SocialMelany Krangle & Suzie Sheckter
00:00 / 01:04
Sharing My Truth 

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