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Episode 85 - Passport To Pleasure

Suzie : Welcome to sharing my truth with Mel and Suzie, the uncensored version where we bear it all.

Mel : We do 1234.

Suzie : Hello, everyone, and welcome back to sharing my truth pod. You're here with Mel and Suzy and here's a reminder to give this podcast five star review. Follow us on all of our socials at chemattruthpad and go to, where you can actually write into us, tell us your dear little secrets, your little details of a story you wanna share, and we might share it on the pod. You might get featured. How exciting. Very anonymously, though, if you'd like anything else.

Mel : Melanin, I think you've covered it.

Suzie : Good. Hey, babes.

Mel : Hello, darling.

Suzie : How are ya?

Mel : I'm fine. Wonderful.

Suzie : I've been blessed so much. Mel has been on big.

Mel : Hey.

Suzie : And it's been upsetting cause I've just had to, like, text her all these things that are on my mind instead of speaking to her.

Mel : Yes, I've been back in the old country. Oh, God, back in the motherland. It's been upsetting. It's been upsetting, has it?

Suzie : Yeah, it has. It's been upsetting for me, who is just now a single pringle.

Mel : You are.

Suzie : And I have to talk to my best friend about things. And you're here.

Mel : It's very rude of me.

Suzie : It is. So I'm happy to be back with you in our little pods.

Mel : Jude, do. It is good.

Suzie : Does it feel good to be back? You're like, **** this place.

Mel : No, not at all. I always like coming back to Canada. I always feel it's strange because I was just in England and the whole **** is hitting the fan there.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : Really, really bad. And I felt when we landed in Canada, ah, serenity. Because in Canada, really, I mean this in the most positive way. Bad things don't really happen in quite the same way they happen in other places, like, you know, presidents getting shot and riots and **** like that. It's all very kind of, you know, even if you watch the news here, it's like, wow, I love the fact they're talking about, you know, somebody's cat in a tree or whatever.

Suzie : That's so great.

Mel : It's brilliant. It's really good. And so I thought, oh, God, this is great. Nothing. It's gonna be good.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : So it feels very calm. It's very calm. Calming place.

Suzie : No, I love that. I mean, so I was just in Vancouver, too, visiting with my family, and like, I sent you these things. Like, they have these things all over the place in some of, like, the smaller towns in BC where you literally, you'll go to a little farm. It'll be a little local farm with organic produce. This is how my family gets their groceries in the summertime. And there'll be these stands, and they'll have this weird little honor system thing. Literally will put cash in this little till thing that's locked, or you just pay on your little credit card, and they just hope that you do it and take your little radishes with you.

Mel : I bet most Canadians, I can't imagine any Canadians don't follow. Exactly.

Suzie : Cause they respect the system of nothing.

Mel : In the UK, it'd all be gone.

Suzie : It's crazy.

Mel : I mean, nobody would do it, and it's just awful. And I do find Canadians also, really. They're so friendly. They're so nice. And that's really nice. It's just really nice.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : So I'm always very happy to come back.

Suzie : Oh, I love that.

Mel : We're happy to have, you know, my kids are here.

Suzie : Yeah, of course.

Mel : And I was only. I've had enough. I've come back. Yeah.

Suzie : Enough for drinking. Going sober an hour, too.

Mel : Oh, yeah. That's the other problem with Europe in the summer.

Suzie : Yes.

Mel : It's impossible. It's impossible. I wasn't just in England, and it's just impossible.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : To. Yeah. Be good.

Suzie : Enjoy yourself.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : That's okay.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : But speaking of travel.

Mel : Yes, yes.

Suzie : Our little, sweet little toddler topic today is about the pressures of having an affair while you're kind of out and about traveling to a new place. Not just an affair, but just having sex, even with your partner. Or just wanting to have a fling, a little summer fling, and putting that kind of pressure on yourself to find that person.

Mel : Yeah. Or have, if you're in a relationship, actually, the pressure, like, oh, my God, we're not at work, we're just alone. We're supposed to be doing this. And maybe you don't want to. I don't know. But I think there's a lot of pressure. And, you know, people want different things. But definitely when you're younger, I certainly remember that you go, you know, you want to meet somebody. You want to have a bit of or whatever that, but, you know, you want to party, you want to have fun. And obviously that entails meeting somebody and perhaps maybe just hooking up, but maybe having a fling, and I think vacations may be a little bit measured on. What do you mean? You didn't. Nothing happened.

Suzie : I know. That's the thing, right? It's like you want to enjoy yourself. You want to kind of see the sights. And I think, obviously, we get these ideas from a lot of movies and things like that and just like, you know, oh, yeah, I meant the love of my life while I was traveling Europe and, like, whatever the ****. Bullshit and total bullshit. Total bullshit. And then we, like, we bring this to ourselves and we're like, oh, my God, I'm gonna find love my life here in this completely foreign place. We might not even speak the same language. And they're going to show me around the city. So you're just like, you're not even having a good time. You're now just trying to follow, like, kind. You're just trying to find someone to kind of make your experience there better. And you're kind of missing the whole.

Mel : Point that's being in your culture 100% or having some hot, steamy affair. I think, like, you know, people have this idea. You're going to go to Italy and you're going to meet some amazingly attractive man, and he's all going to be vava vomit and very spacey. And it might not be. And everyone's telling you this, and they're really not doing this. This is all bullshit. It might happen once or whatever.

Suzie : It's very nice when it happens.

Mel : Yeah. And that's very nice. But I think, you know, you can't put that kind of pressure on yourself. If you meet somebody, great. And if it's one night or a couple a day, great, you know, that's a part of life. All these little stories in your life. Part of life. But not to put the pressure. But I mean, the other thing is when you're a couple.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And I definitely think depending on what stage you are, a lot of people. Or maybe one person in the couple feels the pressure or thinks, finally we're gonna get down to it.

Suzie : Yeah, baby.

Mel : Yeah. And you get the honeymoon sweets and. Yeah. And maybe the other person is thinking, no, I'm just gonna sit by the pool. Not interesting.

Suzie : And not **** your person that you came there with. What's the point?

Mel : I think people get very kind of stuck in their thing and kind of bored, you know, men and women, I think they really do. And then you're putting a lot of pressure on this situation to, like, you know. And then what does that mean about your relationship if you're not doing that?

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : I mean, obviously, if you're older, you're not doing it every five minutes. Not that old people don't, you know, funny ideas, but it's obviously gonna. And it's not really about being older. It's about what stage you are in your relationship. Obviously, if you've just met, then you're sort of going at it like bunnies. And maybe if you're later on, then not so much, but still, the idea is to be together with your person, to spend the time with them in whatever format that takes. And I think, and I've just read quite a lot of articles, I don't know why, about people feeling the pressure, maybe the pressure for it to be perfect. Maybe that's the thing. And I think that's the crazy thing. If it's not working at home and maybe you're having some issues, you're not going to suddenly go on vacation, stroke holiday, and it's all going to be fine.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : Is it? I mean, that's just. Just by thinking that you're putting a lot of pressure on that time away. But, I mean, it goes back to this thing that I just. I sometimes just. I just don't get it. Like, talk to this person. If you are married to this person or with this person, why would you not talk to them?

Suzie : Because that's harder than ignoring the problem.

Mel : Yeah, because, like, emotionally. Cause you gotta face it.

Suzie : Yeah, exactly.

Mel : Cause if you talk about it, there's a problem.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : If you talk about anything, whether it's finances, whether it's love, whether it's your children, whatever it is, it means that the reality is there's something wrong.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And you ignore it. There's no problem.

Suzie : I remember, and this wasn't really a problem. Like, I've never really had this specific problem that we're talking about, like, where it's like you don't really wanna hook up while you're traveling with your partner or your person or just anyone else you're traveling with. Whatever. But I do remember this one time, wherever we were in this gorgeous place, I think we're in Mexico or something, we were sitting by the pool. And I remember I fell asleep to nap just by the pool, enjoying the sunshine. And when I woke up, my now ex wasn't there anymore. And I go back to the room, like, okay, maybe he just went. And I didn't have any texts. And I was like, okay, weird. And then I go back to the room, and he's jerking off in the room.

Mel : What?

Suzie : Yes. And I'm like, are you ******* kidding me? So, like, there's stuff like that. He's like, I didn't want to bother you. I'm like, we're here to be together.

Mel : Be together, all of the things.

Suzie : And, like, I'm not a person who, like, doesn't understand male masturbation. Okay? Like, I very much understand this, but I'm available. There is no reason that you need to.

Mel : Yeah, that's funny.

Suzie : It was just, I was like, wow. Like, this is either maybe I don't understand the male form as much as I think I do, or this was a weird thing that happened, and I'm like, why? Why would you not wake me up? Or just, like, you know, wait for me to come back?

Mel : I think that's the bit I don't get. Why do you not wait?

Suzie : But, like, I think that this kind of stuff happens a lot with couples, or they're kind of used to jerking off, right. During the day or, like, in the day, like morning, whatever, at night, whenever they're trying to do it and they are on vacation with now their person, and they don't really. It's like a habit thing, too, right. Where it's like you're. Or you're in a habit of not ******* right with the person.

Mel : That's what it is.

Suzie : How do you get out of that habit?

Mel : The habit of not doing it.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And then it becomes, like a confidence issue, and it becomes, like, difficult to sort of surmount that. Exactly. Well, we're not doing this at home.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And. And I think what does happen, the longer you're in a relationship, the less kind of, and we've talked about this in lots of other episodes, the less spontaneous or the less spontaneous you think it is because I think earlier on the relationship, we talked about this with various medical professionals, various episodes is you prepare more. Like, you're getting ready. You're getting ready to go for the date, blah, blah, blah. And the more you get into the relationship, the less you're kind of doing that very obviously because you're with them and you're. And you're living with them and stuff, so you're not preparing the excitement. All of that is not there. So it's not that it's not spontaneous. Less spontaneous, because it's probably not really spontaneous to begin with, but the sort of sexual energy, whatever it is that sort of, you know, ramps up. You know, it becomes less and less. And I think that then, because the idea is you kind of have to say, oh, so do you want to, you know, you sort of have to say something.

Suzie : Well, now you're ready. You're waxed, right? You're tanned.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : You feel better about yourself, probably. You've had a little alcohol. You think that it would help the entire situation of being like, okay, let's get down and dirty.

Mel : Let's get to it.

Suzie : Because we have a hotel room which is also the epitome of *******.

Mel : What is that? And also, you don't have to get up to go to work. You don't have normal sleep in and.

Suzie : Have a coffee and have room service.

Mel : Yeah. And you, particularly if you're away and you have children at home, you're away from that kind of.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : That does create issues. Like, you're just, you're just you. Not all the other distractions of life. So it should be easier. But I think sometimes it creates more pressure and it's less easy.

Suzie : Well, yeah, like, if you're having, if you're not having sex at home and you think that the vacation is going to save your relationship, to have more sex, it's. I feel like it's. It's not the same, but it's almost the same as like, oh, let's have a kid. It's going to save her.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : And it's like, no, it's like, if it's not working already, it's not working.

Mel : Because I think then if you're not talking and one person gets the idea, oh, this is going to be really sexy, and we're going to go away and we're going to feel and it's going to awaken whatever.

Suzie : You can't come at home. You can't come in Mexico.

Mel : Very good. Very good.

Suzie : No, but is that not true?

Mel : Yeah, it's not gonna do anything. And then if the person isn't interested at home, they're not gonna suddenly become.

Suzie : Interested in you away and they might find another person.

Mel : Well, there is that.

Suzie : Right.

Mel : That would just be dreadful.

Suzie : What? Like, of course that would happen, though. And that, I mean, all the time. Right.

Mel : Where it's like, all the time, you.

Suzie : Know, someone's taking a nap in the room, you're off at the pool bar.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : You know, hitting up on the ladies. I don't know.

Mel : Well, I get, I guess. Yeah. Maybe you're confident in that sense, or.

Suzie : Maybe the girls going down there, like hanging out with the bartender. Yeah, there's just a million scenarios.

Mel : Well, yeah, you have few too many.

Suzie : Especially if you haven't communicated back home that there's anything that this is going to save it.

Mel : Yeah, 100%. But I do think it, because it's like the concentration. You're just together. Right. Like I said, the rest of the world is not there. And even though you have the world, because you have your ****** phone all the time, but you don't have the same, like, social engagements, work, blah, blah. There's not stuff to distract from the issue.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : So you think that somehow you're gonna go and it's gonna be fine. But I think also the other thing is, let's say you're further down the relationship, and this is the whole thing about mismatched libidos. And you're somebody where you're fine with once a week or twice a week or whatever it is, and your partner wants to do it every day, and that's not your jam, for whatever reason, and there are a multitude of reasons, you're not suddenly going to go away and this person's saying, oh, they're going to be into it. Well, no, you should probably talk about it.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And then maybe they will be into it. I know, but you've got to talk about it.

Suzie : Well, here's the other thing, right, where it's like you leave the partner at home and you go on a vacation with your girly friends or whoever, and you cheat on them because it's not working in the home. And then you have affairs when you're traveling and then that. But that's also, like, where you're putting. You're like, well, at least I'm not getting ****** at home, so I'm gonna go get somewhere else.

Mel : Yeah, but also, then you can leave the guilt. I think that's something.

Suzie : Yeah. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Mel : Yeah, exactly. If you have an affair with somebody who you're never gonna see again. Well, there you go. You know you're gonna see them.

Suzie : The perfect crime almost.

Mel : It is.

Suzie : It's the perfect crime until you get an STD.

Mel : Yeah, there is that.

Suzie : I feel like that's a horrible almost. I feel like it's like it's an inevitable thing to happen for people who.

Mel : Oh, my God. And it's funny, like, in Europe, like, I was in Spain, and like in a lot of the holiday places, there are like STD clinics everywhere. Oh, my God. People get things all the time because they do really stupid things because generally they've had too much to drink or too much sun. Yeah. And all your normal. And you literally do have sex with people without protection. And then it comes, it's like a.

Suzie : One night stand and you don't have their number, you can't contact them, and.

Mel : Then you get pregnant.

Suzie : I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about all the horrible things.

Mel : Of course that happens. Of course it does. Yeah.

Suzie : And then you don't have any way to contact them. You don't have their name. You didn't even speak the same language.

Mel : No.

Suzie : Now you just have a baby who's half Mexican. Keep going back to Mexico.

Mel : Yeah. I mean, it happens all the time.

Suzie : Right.

Mel : It happens all the time.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And it's easy for it to happen.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : Having a fun old time.

Suzie : Sure.

Mel : And your kind of normal inhibitions, I guess, is the word. Kind of go out the window.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : You're wearing less clothes. It's hot. You feel relaxed.

Suzie : Hot, sexy. Alcohol.

Mel : Yeah. And you definitely feel. I always feel like if you've got a bit of a tan.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : You feel so much less skinnier, blubbery. Yeah. Even though you're not physically.

Suzie : No.

Mel : You feel much better because your tan.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : Skin, particularly mine, which is like piglety white.

Suzie : No.

Mel : Doesn't look so much better. I mean, everything so funny looks better. No, I absolutely know.

Suzie : I'm a different person in the summertime than when I am in the winter, when I literally look like a ghost.

Mel : Yeah, it's totally different. Absolutely.

Suzie : It's different. Susie, coming out of.

Mel : Yeah. And it just is. And it's warm. And then also your. The way you go through the day is completely different. Yeah. Because you've got a different sense of time and especially a lot of, like, um, sunny locations. Like, the days are much longer because it's hot till very late at night. And so that changes everything. And then. Yeah, you're drinking.

Suzie : I mean, I remember when I was younger, obviously, I was, like, 18, and I. It's like, literally ten years ago, which makes me want to cry, but I would. I went on a euro trip as we all. As a lot of us do, you know, just getta say **** it. And I remember being like you. I don't know if I was putting the pressure on myself to go and **** whoever I could, because I definitely was sort of doing that. But I was having fun doing it. But I remember because I just wanted to have these kind of sexual experiences, and maybe not the best ways. I remember I was in. I was, like, at Oktoberfest for, like, one night, and I met this very nice german boy, or whatever the **** he was. Don't even remember, obviously. And he had way too much beer. Couldn't even get it up, you know? See, like, these are the things I'm like, was this worth it?

Mel : Nah.

Suzie : Or I could have just had a nice, fun time with my girlfriends and not have worried about it so much. Or, like, not put that on me.

Mel : A hundred percent, you know?

Suzie : And like, that makes me annoyed that I like now I'm just like, oh my God, I ****.

Mel : But I think that is part of youth though.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : You have for sure stupid things and you have to kind of have those experiences and then you'll. You realize like that really was a complete waste of time.

Suzie : But then also like when I was a nice. At the same. The same kind of journey.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : I met the hottest south african guy you ever ******* met. Gorgeous accent. One of my favorite accents.

Mel : Is it?

Suzie : It is just like this gorgeous man. Biggest ****, biggest day. Amazing. Incredible. Never knew his name.

Mel : Wow.

Suzie : Never stayed in contact. But I still think about that night being like, that was a ******* fun time.

Mel : Isn't that interesting?

Suzie : Yeah, he worked on one of the aughts or whatever the ****.

Mel : But isn't it weird how that happens? That's the thing actually. I find. I digress, but I find the funniest thing about sex is something that is so intimate. We also get the ick about like if somebody's sweaty, don't come near me. Or like toilet seats or whatever, but you're having happily lick a stranger's bows. I mean, it's kind of bizarre if you think about it. Yes, it's really weird.

Suzie : I know.

Mel : And you're like, so you don't want to sit on that toilet seat.

Suzie : No, that I've squatted my way through Europe.

Mel : Exactly. But you're happily to, you know, entangle yourself.

Suzie : That's so funny.

Mel : Some bits that are probably not necessarily for sure.

Suzie : I mean, I do wear quantums every.

Mel : Single time I **** personally, but I don't know. Very impressive.

Suzie : I know a lot of people do not do that.

Mel : Lots of people don't.

Suzie : Not good. Guys, please wear condoms. Especially if you are traveling. You do not want to bring home an STI at all.

Mel : No, but just think about it. I tell you what, when you think you're not going to use a condom, think about that toilet seat.

Suzie : Oh, my God. A lot more things have been on that ****. I'm sure that's the point.

Mel : We go off track as well. Yes, we do. But. Yes, I just think there is a lot of pressure. I think it's when you go on vacation. Stroke holiday. I've been in England to say holiday and we don't say vacation.

Suzie : No, vacation.

Mel : Holiday. The holidays. Holly bobs on holiday holes. Holly bobs on your holes.

Suzie : No, not on your holes.

Mel : Yeah, holes on your holes. So as in holiday holes. But there's a lot of pressure for everything to be perfect. It's the perfect holiday the perfect time. It's all gonna be amazing. And I don't think it's any different from anything in life. And it's no different from, like, we've talked about dating. Like, stop putting so much pressure on this situation. Work. It may not.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And just go with it. And if it does, great. If it doesn't, doesn't. And I know that's very easy for me to say, but at my grand old age, I think that is. I think that's the biggest piece of advice I would give anybody who is younger is that just stop pressuring. Pressuring yourself. Stop pressuring yourself to have the greatest time, to meet the greatest person, to do all these things and just enjoy the moment. Enjoy the time. And if I you don't meet somebody or something doesn't happen or whatever in that situation, then maybe it will the next situation. I know that's tough because when you go through a lot of situations and you're just never meeting the person, it wears you down. Yeah. And I think particularly women, it wears them down. Really. They're just like, oh, my God, I'm never going to meet anyone. But think of it this way, you know, if you are getting to an age where you're starting to freak out a bit, sort of in your thirties, or a lot of women do, and you suddenly think, I'm going to go on holiday, and that's going to answer my. I mean, it's not, is it? I mean, just read. Meeting some random guy.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : So you've been dating all these friggin losers back home and you're gonna go on vacation, and just because he looks a bit so much harder. Because.

Suzie : Italian.

Mel : Exactly. No, he's probably just as much of a giant loser. So just, you know, think of that. But I know that's not easy, but it's the pressure. I do think there's a lot of pressure for everything to be.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : And the bikini body.

Suzie : Oh, my God.

Mel : Everything to be like, you know, and.

Suzie : You'Re like, I think the biggest thing to remember when you're going on holiday and you're kind of hoping to have this kind of affair, it's like, still do what you want and go travel and see all the things that you want to see because you're probably meet very similar people.

Mel : Yeah, exactly.

Suzie : And then something will happen, most likely on the way. And if it doesn't, it doesn't. But at least you've done everything you wanted to do. You didn't, like, sacrifice your time. Exactly.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : So that's something to remember with that?

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : The pressure's off. Lap.

Mel : The pressure's off. Just relax, everyone relax. Even if you're in a couple. Oh, I would. Just relax. Just relax.

Suzie : We want to do a new little segment here we do at the end of our episodes, and it's called what's the tea? And we're going to talk about some things that have been on our mind or we've seen in the news or we've seen other places, and we want to talk about some stuff today.

Mel : Yes.

Suzie : So what's a t mount?

Mel : Okay, so I've got a question for you. Yes. Okay, so I've just been in Europe.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : In the sun, in a sunny place. And it's quite normal in Europe, it's very normal. People, women. People, women don't go topless on the beach. And it's not just like, you know, young, amazingly beautiful people like you. It's like everyone, like, 70 year old women will have the ******* out. Baps out. Yeah. They won't. You know, it's. And they're not. Even if they're not thin, they're not, you know, they have the right to do it and they. They do it. And that's my question to you. Do you think once you're sort of, let's say, over 40, you should still go topless if that's what you want to do?

Suzie : Oh, my God. Go topless any time of day, any time of year. Yeah, topless. Like, it's crazy to me that we are so wound up about this in North America.

Mel : To me, I just don't understand it. Make your **** out if you're european. We just. We don't understand.

Suzie : Do you do bottoms down?

Mel : There are naked beaches. Like, nudity beaches, actually, near where I go in Spain. There is. And it's this amazing nature reserve. It's beautiful. And there's nudie beaches. I don't do that because I have, like, a top terrace which nobody can see, and I can just sunbathe naked.

Suzie : God, that's nice.

Mel : I don't really worry about that.

Suzie : Can I ask you, do you go topless if you're on, like a Barcelona beanie?

Mel : Yeah, sure. That's interesting. I did. I don't really now, is it?

Suzie : Cause you just got a lot going on with the Tatas.

Mel : I've got a lot going on with my Tatas. They're very big.

Suzie : Great Tatas, though. Let's just be in agreement here.

Mel : Thank you for that. Excellent. They're very large. It's not very comfortable. And they, you know, at my age, they do sort of swing about a bit below where they were before, but when I was younger, I did.

Suzie : Right.

Mel : And I also don't, you know, to go into a huge amount of detail about my life. I don't do it because I have a place I can sunbathe with. Nobody can see me, so I don't need to go and sit on a beach and do it. But, and that sounds. That is huge privilege. But I do, but a lot. You will see women like grannies, and they'll be there with their little, their little kids. And that's another thing in, you know, in Spain, in France, in Italy, less so in England, obviously, we don't have enough nice weather to be actually doing this. But you'll see, like, little girls when they're very young, they don't wear the top because it's completely normal.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : Whereas you see american, little four year old american girls with, like, the swims or bikini tops. So ridiculous, which is very funny. You don't see that in Europe. And you, and the other thing that's really interesting, especially in Spain, because all the beaches are public and there's like a shower, you know, you get, you get from the beach. And where I go, which is in Tenerife, the beaches are all volcanic, so it's like black sand. So you need to shower when you leave the beach to get all the stuff off you. So they have showers and, you know, Europeans will just be in there, like, getting in the, like, they just don't give a ****. And they just don't go, oh, you know, or they'll take, you know, they're wearing the top. They'll take it off.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : In front of everyone. Like, nobody cares. Like, nobody cares at all because they don't have the hang up. It's very different.

Suzie : Yeah, it's so different. And like, yeah, I mean, I remember being in Barcelona, top off, and I.

Mel : Was like, this is.

Suzie : Cause I had not experienced something like that before. I was like, this is the best. And, like, no one was weird about it.

Mel : No, nobody's staring at you.

Suzie : Nobody's weird about it. No one's staring. I grew up in, like, a place where it was, like, very hippie esque. I would go there in the summers with my family and there was very much nudity there, but it's a different vibe.

Mel : That's like hippies.

Suzie : We're trying to ******* prove something.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : This is like the culture of this place. People enjoying themselves, letting their bodies show because no one actually cares.

Mel : It's just everyday people. Just that on the beach. Yeah. And some people do and some people don't. And especially when you're on a beach in Europe in the summer, there's, you know, Germans, there's Brits, there's all sorts of european cultures and they all sort of view it a bit differently.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : But I definitely think, yeah, if you want to go ahead. I mean, who cares? Nobody cares. Yeah, but the men, obviously, you know. Yeah, sorry. You don't get to take your trunks off.

Suzie : No balls.

Mel : No balls. You have to go to the nudie beach. Did you want to get the lower bits out and, you know, the fanning balls.

Suzie : The fannies.

Mel : If you want to get fans. Yeah. Front bumps. Exactly. You've got to go to the special beach for that.

Suzie : Wow.

Mel : But this is the only place in life, if you think about it, women have. Yeah, I can take my top off. You know, like, you get a bit more than the men. It's kind of funny that it's exciting, actually. But I do find it funny. Like, you'll be on the beach. I'm going on about this a lot, but you'll be on the beach and you're. You're not wearing a top, but you'll literally get off the beach. And a lot of places in Spain, you'll have, like, the beach and then you'll have sort of the sidewalk where you can walk and then immediately you put your top on. Right. It's like.

Suzie : It's like you're there.

Mel : You were there and now you're here.

Suzie : Well, it's the same thing as, like, putting a ******* shirt on or something in a grocery store if you've just came from, like, the beach. It's just like, yeah, you want to cover up just in case someone gets offended that your **** are by the chips. Like, it's very scary, but, yeah, I mean, I. So I have a rooftop terrace and I. I would love to go topless.

Mel : But can people see you? Yes.

Suzie : Yeah, but that's the thing. I'm like, why is this such a big deal?

Mel : I also think. And actually, I don't know that a galaxy is that. I also think it was your garden. Yeah, like, do what you want to do.

Suzie : I'm really worried that people are going to, like, fill me. Like, that's actually what I worry about.

Mel : I think that is a problem. They would. And I think the other thing is people complain and you're just like, this.

Suzie : Is my ******* rooftop.

Mel : I mean, you know, I mean, I think it's funny, though. You know, they probably wouldn't complain about you. But if you're like, not so mean.

Suzie : Older middies out there, you know, you're.

Mel : Just like, you know, well, don't look then. Yeah, you know, if you don't like it, don't look.

Suzie : I've seen naked people across the street. They're not like, tanning on their dockers. But.

Mel : But you do see a lot, like in Spain, like, you see a lot like my neighbor, he's an old belgian man, and he often. Somebody's nude in nude in the nude. So he can't sort of see me. But if I sort of go to the end, I can see him. So I just don't go where I can see him because I don't really want to see him. But by all means, you do. You mister. Mister whatever his name is. But, yeah, why not? I mean, for God's sake, if you can't sunbathe on your own freaking right terrace. I'm sick of these.

Suzie : I have the stupidest tan lines you've ever seen in your life. And wearing a different top.

Mel : Yeah, wearing top. And then you have to sort of move the thing up and down. That's what I always used to do.

Suzie : Oh, my God, looks so dumb.

Mel : Whereas you don't have that issue.

Suzie : Yeah, that's.

Mel : *******. So to go and live in Europe.

Suzie : So anyways, if you guys have any kind of experiences of affairs during the travel, if you had a bad experience with your partner during travel or anything like that, we'd love to hear from you.

Mel : I would really like to. And I hope it's. I hope it's not too sad. I know some things can really blow up on.

Suzie : Yes. You actually really understand what a person is like when you go.

Mel : Yeah, I think that's on vacation. I think that's.

Suzie : Always travel with someone first.

Mel : Yeah.

Suzie : Before you do anything, seriously do.

Mel : Because then, you know, if their vibe doesn't match, like, I've gone on vacation with a friends and I like, never again.

Suzie : Oh, I know that. I know that feeling so well.

Mel : I mean, I know a couple of my friends who were like, real scheduled people. Like, okay, then we're gonna get up and at 09:00 we're going to the museum. **** off.

Suzie : **** off.

Mel : I'm having. I might go to the museum and I might not.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : But I'm gonna. That'll be the thing I'm doing today.

Suzie : Yeah.

Mel : There won't be the museum, the gondola ride, the seeing the whatevers and the ding. Like, no, yeah, I'm not doing all that.

Suzie : No, absolutely not. Like, I understand those are time crunch. You want to see a lot of things, but you also have to be on the same, the same page as each other, right?

Mel : Yeah. I'm not getting. I'm not meeting you at eight. You out of your mind?

Suzie : Having a nice cup of tea first?

Mel : Ridiculous.

Suzie : Anyway, anyway, so we want to hear from you guys. If you guys have had these funny little stories happen during travel, we obviously want to know about that.

Mel : Saucy the better. I'm mimicking you. I love it anyway.

Suzie : Okay, well, everyone, we love you so much. We'll talk to you soon.

Mel : Bye bye.

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Mel : Thanks so much for listening. Please rate and review this podcast and follow us on social at sharingmytruthpod and leave us a voicemail on our website,, to share your stories and experiences with us. We'll see you next time. Bye.

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Episode 85 - Passport To PleasureMelany Krangle & Suzie Sheckter
00:00 / 01:04
Sharing My Truth 

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