In this episode of Sharing My Truth, we delve into the MILF obsession! What is it about MILFS? Mel and Suzie share their views about it. What is it about MILFS that we love. Are there more MILFS today than ever before? Were we always into MILFS? Think, "The Graduate" the movie from 1967 or the American Pie Movies from 2009-2012.

What are MILFs?
Is a MILF the same as a "Daddy"? Mel talks about some of her friends dating much younger men. What is it that the older woman sees in the younger man and the younger man in the older woman? There is the obvious, but surely there is more!
Older women are established, know what they want, possibly don't need as much financially and emotionally. The younger man may be less jaded by life, physically more attractive, more fun and can give the woman a more fulfilling exciting sex life.
Tune in to hear this hilarious episode.
Mel's Facts
1.What is a MILF, well it is an older woman, but not necessarily a mother, but definatly hot!
2. Why do younger men like MILFS? There are many answers according to but probably the biggest is that the main thing they want and need is sex! They are experienced, don't play games, probably have kids and don't need you financially or possibly even emotionally.
Listen to this episode
Listen to Mel and Suzie and their generational differences, are there any?
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